Friends of Fineshade

Planning application for a campsite
Spring 2015
This planning application was withdrawn on 7th May 2015.
Change of use to tented camping including associated car parking and a welfare building. 15/00584/FUL
This application from "Lifestyle Living Group - Mrs Donna Barney" can still be viewed on the East Northamptonshire Council planning website, where it is possible to submit comments online or by email.
Below you can see the proposed site layout with carpark and toilet block.
Previous recent applications
Firstly, this was nothing to do with the unsuccessful Forest Holidays/Forestry Commission application for 70 cabins, actually in the woodland. This one applied to the field in front of Top Lodge house and visitor centre. It was similar to the Glamping Pods application which was roundly rejected in 2014.
The differences were:
instead of glamping pods there would be space for an unspecified number of tents;
this time there was no warden's accommodation - so no on-site management.
The similarities are:
there would be a toilet block and wash house right in front of the visitor centre;
it would add extra traffic to the single-track lane that is already at carrying capacity.
Features of this application
No assessment of present traffic to Top Lodge or predicted increase.
No details of a ‘new vehicle and pedestrian access from main highway’ .
No current appropriate ecological survey.
No assessment of use of site by by reptiles and bats.
No details of the collection and storage of waste.
No fire hydrant or evidence that water supply is sufficent.
No consideration of impact on nearby houses.
No alternative emergency access.
No evidence that car park would be large enough.
No detail about proposed drainage on the site.
No information about lighting.
No evidence that there was a need for further camp sites in the area.
Frequent reference tor to a "caravan site" rather than camping site.
Because of the local council elections, no date for determination was published and also no Planning Notices were posted alongside the site. Once those notices were published there would be 21 days for comments to be submitted.
So... there is still time to send an objection. Letter or email are possible but for a short, sharp comment, doing it on-line is very easy. Click here and go to Comments/Make a Comment.

The proposed toilet block would be central in the images above and below.
The plan of the toilet block, carpark and site is below

Previous use of field. Hebridean sheep grazing