Friends of Fineshade
How to object to the planning application
You can either...
Click on the blue arrow to go to the council website to make a comment. Then either Login or Register
Choose "Commenter Type: email." This will allow you about 200 words (1000 characters) for a short, sharp objection.
For "Stance" make sure you click on Object. You can choose one (or more) reason for comment from the list.
Then simply type your comment/
... or, for a longer objection
send an email to
You can attach a pdf file if you wish.
Quote reference 21/00388/FUL, Objection and you must include your name and address.
... or you can
Send a letter to quoting reference 21/00388/FUL, Objection, to
FAO Planning
North Northamptonshire Council,
East Northamptonshire Area
Cedar Drive,
Thrapston NN14 4LZ
You must include your name and address.
Some of the early planning notices sent out suggested that there was a closing date of 30 April but we have been assured that all comments will be welcome until the application goes to committee (certainly no sooner than 19th July.). The Planning Officer has still not produced his recommendation so it there is still time to help him!